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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - vector


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Перевод с английского языка vector на русский


1) вектор

а) полярный тензор 1-го ранга или антисимметричный тензор 2-го ранга

б) вчт. одномерный массив

в) отрезок линии между двумя точками в компьютерной графике

2) направление; курс

3) наведение; задание направления || наводить; задавать направление

4) проф. векторный дисплей

vector of errorvector of gyrationvector of onesvector of parameters3-vector4-vectorabsolute vectoractivity vectorantiferromagnetic vectorantiparallel vectorsaxial vectorBoolean vectorbounded vectorbra vectorBurgers vectorcharacteristic vectorchecking vectorchrominance vectorcode vectorcodebook vectorcointegrating vectorcolumn vectorcommunication vectorcomplanar vectorscomplex vectorconcurrent input vectorscontravariant vectorcoordinate unit vectorcorrection vectorcovariant vectorcurvature vectorcyclic vectordata vectordecision vectordelta vectordesign vectorDirac bra vectorDirac ket vectordirect-lattice vectordisplacement vectordope vectorE-vectorelectric vectorelectric-field vectorenergy-flux vectorerror vectorevaluation vectorferromagnetic vectorfield vectorflow vectorflux vectorforce vectorfour-dimensional vectorFrank vectorfree vectorGaussian vectorgenerating vectorgliding vectorgradient vectorH-vectorHertz vectorHertzian vectorimaginary vectorimproper vectorinfinitesimal vectorinitialization vectorinput vectorinput-test vectorinput weight vectorinterference vectorinterrupt vectorirrotational vectorket vectorlayer weight vectorlexicographically positive vectormacroscopic magnetization vectormagnetic vectormagnetic-field vectormagnetic field intensity vectormagnetic field strength vectormagnetic induction vectormagnetic strength vectormagnetization vectormagnetization intensity vectorminimizing vectormomentum vectormutually orthogonal vectormutually perpendicular vectorN-dimensional vectornegative vectorsnet input vectornoise vectornormal vectornormalized vectornull vectornullity vectoroutput vectoroutput-test vectoroutput weight vectorparallel vectorspayoff vectorphase vectorpolar vectorpolarization vectorpolarization vector for field vectorpolarization unit vectorpolicy vectorposition vector

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  векторvector of unknownsabsolute vectorbasic vectorbasic unbalance vectorbound vectorcommand vectorconformal rotation vectorcontrol vectorentraining velocity vectorfeedback vectorfelt-force vectorfixed vectorforce vectorfree vectorincremental vectorlocalized vectormain unbalance vectormoment vectoroutput vectorprototype vectorradius vectorrelative velocity vectorresponse vectorrotation vectorscale weight vectorsliding vectorstate vectorstimulus vectortangent vectorunbalance vectorunit vectorunit normal vectorweight vector ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • 1) наводиться; 2) наводить• вектор• векторный• наводиться ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) math. вектор  2) переносчик инфекции  3) attr.; math. векторный; vector equation - векторное уравнение  2. v. направлять, наводить, придавать направление ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. мат. вектор vector analysis —- векторный анализ 2. воен. курс; направление 3. мед. переносчик инфекции 4. направлять; сообщать направление; наводить to vector a fighter —- наводить истребитель ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) биом. вектор 2) вектор (фаг, вирус или плазмида со вставкой чужеродной ДНК) 3) переносчик (напр. инфекции) – baculovirus vector – characteristic vector – cloning vector – enhancer-constitutive vector – expression vector – generalized cloning vector – high-titer vector – insect vector – insertion vector – instantaneous vector – mobilizable vector – permutation vector – plasmid vector – promoter probe vector – replacement vector – retroviral vector – self-ligated vector – shuttle vector – spatial vector – tailed vector – terminator probe vector – transducing vector – vaccine vector – vaccinia virus expression vector ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) вектор 2) курс, направление • - consumption vector - decision vector - demand vector - distribution vector - equilibrium price vector - excess demand vector - input vector - input-output vector - output vector - price vector - stock vector - vector optimization - vector payoff ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вектор 2) векторный 3) матем. матрица-столбец 4) аэро пеленг absolute value of a vector — матем. величина вектора, модуль вектора adapted vector field — адаптированное векторное поле affine vector field — аффинное векторное поле almost analytic vector — почти аналитический вектор almost periodic vector — почти периодический вектор almost proper vector — почти собственный вектор angular momentum vector — вектор момента количества движения antiholomorphic cotangent vector — антиголоморфный кокасательный вектор antiholomorphic tangent vector — антиголоморфный касательный вектор axial vector covariant — псевдовекторный ковариант base basis vector — базисный вектор basis of vector space — базис векторного пространства category of vector bundles — категория векторных расслоений circuital vector field — электр. поле вихревое circulation of vector field — циркуляция векторного поля commutator of vector fields — коммутатор векторных полей component of a vector — компонент вектора curl of vector function — вихрь векторного поля derivative along the vector — производная вдоль вектора divergence-free vector function — соленоидальная вектор-функция dual vector spaces — спаренные векторные пространства electric displacement vector — вектор электрической индукции extremal extreme vector — экстремальный вектор extreme point of a vector — конец вектора flow flux vector — вектор...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вектор – concealment motion vectors – differential motion vector – displacement vector – electric-field vector – H-vector – integer sample motion vector – magnetic-field vector – momentum vector – motion vector – phase vector – Pointing vector – prediction vector – Rice vector – wave vector ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  вектор axial vector collinear vectors force vector unit vector velocity vector ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вектор 2) вчт. одномерный массив 3) наведение; задание направления наводить; задавать направление, направлять 4) бтх вектор, век-торная ДНК - vector of normal - vector of ranks - absolute vector - airspeed vector - amplifying vector - analytic vector - axial vector - base vector - bound vector - Cartesian vector - characteristic vector - cloning vector - codirectional vectors - collinear vectors - column vector - component vector - contravariant vector - coplanar vectors - couple vector - covariant vector - current vector - cyclic vector - data vector - dependent vectors - differentiable vector - direction vector - displacement vector - dope vector - drives vector - electrical-field vector - electrical vector - energy vector - energy-flux vector - error vector - feedback vector - field vector - free vectors - ground speed vector - heat-flux vector - Hertzian vector - Hertz vector - incremental vector - interrupt vector - linearly dependent vectors - linearly independent vectors - magnetic-field vector - magnetic vector - magnetization vector - mean vector - motion vector - normal vector - null vector - orthogonal vectors - phase vector - polar vector - polarization vector - position vector - power vector - power flow vector - propagation vector - radar vector - radius-vector - random vector - relative vector - replacement vector - residual vector - resultant vector - rotating vector - rotation vector - row vector - shift vector - slip vector - space vector - spacecraft state vector - spacelike vector - state vector - test vector - timelike vector - translational vector - translation vector - unit vector - vacuum vector - velocity vector - voltage vector - wave vector - zero vector ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 Math. & Physics a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, esp. as determining the position of one point in space relative to another (radius vector). 2 a carrier of disease. 3 a course to be taken by an aircraft. --v.tr. direct (an aircraft in flight) to a desired point. Derivatives vectorial adj. vectorize v.tr. (also -ise) (in sense 1 of n.). vectorization n. Etymology: L, = carrier, f. vehere vect- convey ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, carrier, from vehere to carry — more at way  Date: 1846  1.  a. a quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in space represents the direction; broadly an element of a ~ space  b. a course or compass direction especially of an airplane  2.  a. an organism (as an insect) that transmits a pathogen  b. pollinator a  3. an agent (as a plasmid or virus) that contains or carries modified genetic material (as recombinant DNA) and can be used to introduce exogenous genes into the genome of an organism  • ~ adjective  • ~ial adjective  • ~ially adverb  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1941  1. to guide (as an airplane, its pilot, or a missile) in flight by means of a radioed ~  2. to change the direction of (the thrust of a jet engine) for steering ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (vectors) 1. A vector is a variable quantity, such as force, that has size and direction. (TECHNICAL) N-COUNT 2. A vector is an insect or other organism that causes a disease by carrying a germ or parasite from one person or animal to another. (MEDICAL) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n technical 1 a quantity that has a direction as well as a size, usually represented by an arrow (2) 2 the course taken by a plane ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Virtual Environment Cultural Training for Operational Readiness ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1704, from L. vector "one who carries or conveys, carrier," from pp. stem of vehere "carry, convey." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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